World Press Freedom Day 2016


Freedom of the press is still under strong attacks and threats. Even more than in the last year, in addition to terrorist organizations killing journalists we have national governments limiting also with law the freedom of expression. Even governments of the European Union member states and other policymakers put media under political control and journalists being critical towards the government are emarginated or even more. It is not tolerable that governments of the EU member states or countries negotiating accession to the EU act openly against the basic principles of the European Union contained a.o. in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and European institutions in most of the cases limit themselves to take a stand issuing a press release blaming their conduct.

We experience unfortunately also situations where journalists are not paid for writing, but “for not writing”, with total political unconcern.

The EJ requires in this day from on the relevant European Institutions to be more determined in condemning the violation of the freedom of the press, taking more severe measures against governments violating such a fundamental democratic principle.